Need Marketing Help To Start Your Business?
  • Watching others launch their businesses?
  • Being stuck in the 9 - 5 grind? 
  • How about rush hour traffic? Sheesh!
  • Reliving the same year over and over again?
  • Not making the money you deserve?
  • Putting off pursuing your passion?
  • FINALLY Launch your business in LESS THAN 24 hours for UNDER $100 BUCKS?
  • Get the technology needed for FREE or only a few dollars?
  • Understand how to start, run and monitor your business so you know it's a success?
  • Finally be your own boss?
  • Not making the money you deserve?
  • Putting off pursing your passion?

If you’re on this page right now, I believe we crossed paths for a reason.

You are looking for an answer to your prayers. You are sitting behind the computer, phone or tablet screen feeling sick and tired of everyone around you making sales and growing their business while you continue to remain confused and unsure of where to start.

 I know this because I was there too!

In 2008, after working for a Fortune 5 company and even getting a Master's Degree in Business, I still was not sure how to "do it" and where to begin.

 I wanted to know everything about it, and get started quickly!

I met a lot of people offering a thing here and a thing there, mostly for around $5,000 to $10,000 a pop. I wasn't ready to shell out a lot of cash when I wasn't sure of what I was getting....uh NO!

I constantly felt frustrated feeling like I just couldn't see the forest for the trees.

You know what I'm talking about right? It seems it's all right there in front of you...but where to start? Which THING is going to be the right thing AND the right thing for me?

YEP, that was me.  

I know that you have big dreams. Huge, outrageous, undeniably out there sized dreams. 

Am I right? Or, am I right? 

I believe that you found my course at the right time. 

Something out there was telling you that you would find the answer and be able to finally get into business. The days of frustration are close to being over.

You see, I don’t believe in coincidences.

 I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason, and now we met for that reason.

My name is Christine Burke, and I am the creator of

24 Hours To Startup - Finally Launch Your Business in

Under 24 Hours for Under $100 Bucks!

 I am an serial entrepreneur, educator and business coach, who at one point in my life, totally felt I would never be able create, run and be successful with my own business.

I longed to teach and inspire others but yet every day I worked at my boring J.O.B. I felt like I had nothing exciting to live for. That THIS was going to be my sad life...while everyone else was living it up!

If that sounds familiar, then welcome to the program that will finally show you that life is yours for the taking by starting and running your own successful business. 

If I know you as well as I think I do, then I know you’ll appreciate my upfront, no holds barred, simplified way of teaching you the technical, marketing and life lessons that you can totally relate to and implement fast. 

I had to take the long road through the forest and learn the hard way but now you don't have to. These are the same strategies I used, and continue to use today along with the reasons behind them.

It's really easy, fun and simple and I have cleared the way for you!

The course is split up into 24 sections of amazing content!

In each of the 24 sections below, you will learn a business or marketing principle, why they are important and get the tools needed to implement them in your business right away. 
Best of all, most tools are FREE!

  1. Purpose
  2. Branding
  3. Logo Creation
  4. Domain Name
  5. Payment Processing
  6. Phone
  7. Scheduling
  8. Systems
  9. Website
  10. Licensing
  11. Legal Structure
  12. Video Making
  13. Business Plan
  14. Search Engine Optimization
  15. Office Environment
  16. Banking
  17. Marketing
  18. Metrics
  19. Technology
  20. Creative
  21. Be A Professional
  22. Zoom
  23. Products and Services

  • Video and Audio recordings of each module yours to keep and access forever
  • High vibe guided meditation to maximize and absorb the content of each module
  • Lifetime access into the Manifestation Babe community group for extra guidance and support
  • Lifetime updates of the course 
  • Downloadable slideshow of each module
  • Printable limiting belief exercise worksheet that will free you forever
  • Printable cheat sheet of my no-fail 5 step manifesting process 
  • Unlimited access to the course. Unlimited access = unlimited results!

This course is held completely online. 

The three 60 minute modules have been recorded for you.

You have completely unlimited replays.

You will receive access to the private Manifestation Babe community group upon enrolling.

This course starts immediately upon sign up!

Day One will be released to you as soon as your payment processes. 

You will be given access to Day Two the next day. Day Three will be opened to you 1 day after that.

 Each lesson will be released to you via a link sent to the email you used to purchase the course with. 

*Please make sure you use a valid email! If your PayPal email is different than the email you prefer to use, send an email to [email protected] immeditately to change it!*

At the end of the three days, you will have access to all three modules through the Manifestation Babe member dashboard for your convienience. 

Feel free retake the course whenever you wish.

You’ll have all course content forever. The access never goes away!


Click the payment button below to access the course instantly!

By enrolling into the course, you are agreeing to our Standard Terms & Conditions.