As a business owner, and heck just as a regular person or parent, your time is very limited. In working in your business you should be concerned with a work life balance and pay attention to it. Also, it is important to charge what you are worth (that's a whole 'nother class).

As your Outsourced Marketing Guru, one of my services is accountability (keeping you accountable to yourself and others) and motivation (giving you that boost to focus). There is a great book called The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I love the Agreement entitled Be Impeccable With Your Word. I think this applies in business as well as your personal life. Be accountable to yourself and others. Be respectful of time and the impression you create with your actions.

You also have to value yourself and this is a lesson for me. I have seen it, preach it and understand that people perceive things with a higher value as MORE IMPORTANT. So, lesson to myself, nothing for FREE, except maybe charity and volunteering.

As for being business owners, I recently heard, and I can't remember where, but it was fabulous in that when you are not offering or available for your services, you are not available for someone that REALLY needed your help. People and businesses are here to interchangeably help and support one another. When  you are not present and paying attention, someone else's dream is shattered or their need goes unmet.....

Oh, and finally, we all know that caca happens....Take a look at how many things you are making, doing, or keeping. If there is an issue there, we can work on your time management, accountability, process and procedure and most of all, your ability to say NO!!!!!!