This is a great opportunity to promote your products and services while inspiring other would be, newbie, and current entrepreneurs.
I am looking to help promote my fellow small business owners in exchange for a little help on my goal....I committed to myself to write a new business book for entrepreneurs and list on Amazon by February 1st. This is a book to motivate and inspire entrepreneurs like us.
I am accepting real life examples from business owners like you outlining why you do what you do and the impact it has made on your clients and your business. This is in the form of three questions:

1) What is your Why?
2) Has it helped in your business?
3) Do you promote your Why?

In the beginning of the submission, please introduce yourself, your products or services and provide a link to your website and/or contact information. Then answer the questions above as they relate to your business or experience. I will list you as a Contributor and provide an active (clickable) link that will help in sending traffic to your website, blog or social media page. Once the book is published, this will be a tool to boost your credibility and something you can showcase to your clients.

Submissions are due no later than end of day January 27th so I can compile them and format them in the book. I want to list this in the .99 cent and Kindle Unlimited areas of Amazon to see how many people we can reach and empower them with our stories. It would be awesome to get a best seller and add that to our bios! I appreciate the help and the opportunity to help you share the dream and tell your story. Thank you for helping me with mine!

Christine Burke